Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Breakthrough Formula About Prostate Cancer.

By Adelbert Botfield

You want to know what you can do to decrease your risk of getting it, or if you already have it, why.The answer is multiple: location in the world, ethnic background, breast cancer in close relatives, BBQ'd meat, age, and, believe it or not, NOT having diabetes. In this article we'll take a look at each of these causes and how they relate to prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is deadly, but because it's slow-growing can be cured if it's caught early enough. Like other cancers, the cause of prostate cancer is not known; it appears to be more common in African American men and men with a family history of the disease. I suspect there is a dietary connection to prostate cancer; I cured myself naturally of breast cancer and others have cured themselves of all types of cancer using a living food diet.

Some men will experience symptoms that might indicate the presence of prostate cancer. There are other symptoms that may not be mentioned here. Having one or more cancer symptoms does not necessarily mean that you have prostate cancer.

If you have more than one close women relative who has had breast cancer or a father or brother who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, your chances increase even more. This is an indication that a faulty gene is the culprit and is being passed through your family. And what your family's ethnicity is can also be a risk.

Recent studies have shown that men with African ancestry are twice as likely to develop prostate cancer as white men, and white men are twice as likely as Asian men. Why this should be so is not immediately clear, and it may be complicated; having to do with diet and lifestyle as well as dominant malfunctioning genes.

All this is well and good to know, but it doesn't do you any good if you can't control it, does it?

Well how about BBQ'd meat? A few recent studies have shown that cooking meat over an open flame may be a cause of cancer (Cancer Causes Control 2000; 11:731-739). However, other studies have not shown a correlation (J Natl Cancer Inst, 1999; 91:2038-2044). Still others suggest that the charring of the meat is what's bad, and that one should aim to flip their grilled meat several times to prevent blackening, or scrape off any charring before eating.

Besides hormonal drugs, hormone manipulation may also be done by surgically removing the testes. Hormone manipulation is mainly used as a treatment to relieve symptoms in men whose cancer has metastasized (spread). Prostate cancer that has spread (metastasized) may be treated conventionally with drugs to reduce testosterone levels, surgery to remove the testes, chemotherapy or nothing at all.

Some drugs with numerous side effects are being used to treat advanced prostate cancer, blocking the production of testosterone, called chemical castration; it has the same result as surgical removal of the testes. OHSU is beginning a study of acupuncture as a treatment for hot flashes for men with prostate cancer or prostate cancer survivors. Medications can have many side effects, including hot flashes and loss of sexual desire.

If you live in North America or Western Europe, you are at slightly more risk than anywhere else. This may be a dietary difference or hereditary, but the picture is not yet complete. It may even simply be a result of more often and more aggressive testing procedures in the "developed" world. There is a large ongoing study in Europe called EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) to try to determine the correlation between European diet and prostate cancer, but results won't be in for another ten years.

So it seems to be premature to move outside of these two areas of the world. But how about avoiding prostate cancer by already having another common disease in men?

A recently completed study showed the surprising fact that men who have had diabetes for several years have a significantly reduced chance of getting prostate cancer (American Journal of Epidemiology 2005 161(2);147-152).

Keep in mind this does not mean you should run out and start eating donuts to get fat in hopes of acquiring diabetes and therefore avoiding the potentially more fatal prostate cancer. The study also showed that newly diagnosed diabetics actually have an INCREASED risk for the first four years, and then the "protective" effect begins. Also, obesity can contribute to other health problems and alone may only contribute further to other types of cancer.

If you've already been diagnosed with prostate cancer, essential the option that's best suited to you and your continuing good health. If you haven't been diagnosed but are concerned about symptoms you should call for an appointment to see your doctor.

And if you're a man older than 50 who has never been screened for prostate cancer (by rectal exam and/or PSA level determination) or not had a regular annual exam, or have had a family history of prostate cancer, make an appointment soon. While the number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer remains high, survival rates are also greatly improving; perhaps because of dietary improvement.

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