Monday, December 16, 2013

Organizing A Fundraising For Cancer Patients

By Tabitha Ferrell

Statistics reveal that approximately 1 in 8 American women will suffer from breast cancer. If the condition is not detected at its earlier stages, it can imply a lot of costs for treatments. This is why many people help in the creation of activities related to fundraising for cancer patients to offer assistance.

Breast cancer is very deadly. It affects not only the overall functioning of the body but also the self esteem and dignity of a person. It occurs not only in women who are taking hormonal supplements but also among men. Imagine how these people would feel if they find out they have the condition. Helping them will surely mean a lot.

But then again, the whole community can stand up to the condition and help the affected individuals. They will be able to do this by raising funds for the patients. Surely, the money they will be getting will greatly help in ensuring lower treatments for affected people.

For those who are planning to organize events to raise funds, they need to know that the task will not be easy. The committee working on this should be composed of dedicated people. You can approach individuals who have personal experience with the disease since they are more likely to give more.

Make solicitation letters and distribute them to local officials and even celebrities. Approach different companies such as appliance centers and food chains to act as the sponsors for your event. Offer to expose their products while you benefit from the products and funds they give. You can make a lot of use for the funds they give you.

A very common activity to do for raising funds is conducting raffles. Using the items you got from your sponsors as the prizes for the raffles, for instance, you should be able to sell many tickets to people. Make sure the tickets will give you enough amount to give to the victims. They need to be sold by dedicated people as well.

Other activities that you can do to raise funds will include auctions. Auctions are really attractive for most people. You can also try dinner dances, fun runs, bike rides, walks for a cause, wine tastings and so much more. Remember to keep things simple though by not paying too much for the rental of the venue.

Indeed, fundraising for cancer patients offers a lot of benefits, especially to people who are financially challenged. However, for the activities to be successful, much dedication will be required. Anyone who is planning to organize an event should examine his or her communication skills and availability for the best results.

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I Am A Big Fan Of Wearing The Prostate Cancer Ribbon

By Daniell M. Singletryde

I was surprised when I strolled into work the other day and everyone began to ask me what the deal was with the light blue ribbon that I was wearing, but I think they were more surprised when I told them that it was a prostate cancer ribbon. I think that it's a bit of a letdown that while everyone knows about what pink ribbon means, blue ribbons are still obscure.

Of course I am glad that everyone knows all about breast cancer, but as a survivor of prostate cancer, I think it is just as essential for everyone to have a better understanding of men's health concerns as well. The reason I started wearing the prostate cancer ribbon was that a few years ago, I started having symptoms of prostate cancer, but since I was not educated about it, I didn't pay any attention to them.

After a while however, the symptoms got too troubling to ignore, so I went to the doctor where I found out that I was really in trouble and that I needed to start treatments right away. My family and I were all terrified about what this might mean for us, but I started the treatments and did everything possible to recover from this awful disease.

But I was overwhelmed with joy when the doctors told me that I had beaten the odds and I could barely believe my good fortune. After going through this trying experience, I decided to wear the ribbon from then on during prostate cancer awareness month, which is September in the United States, but I thought I would also wear it during other countries awareness months which were November in Canada and March in the United Kingdom.

I appreciate moments like when coworkers and the other people I come into contact with ask me about the ribbon because it lets me tell my story and illuminate those who are sympathetic about issues like men's health, but lack the information to reasonably do anything about it. The first day that I wore the ribbon in to the office was really a fantastic day, and I was thrilled that because I shared my story, several of the other older men in the office made appointments with their doctors for a prostate check-up. And we later found that one of the men from the office did find that he did have some cancer, but because they had caught it so soon, they were able to treat it without any issues.

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Cancer Survival Strategies

By Jenny Wright

Cancer is one of the most widespread and deadly ailments that affect people today. Cancer can be caused by many things in our environment. It appears without much warning in its initial stages, but it is still detectable. If you would like to catch this disease in its early stages, then continue reading this article.

Take all the medicine that your doctor prescribes to you, and make sure you are taking the correct doses. If you have trouble remembering what to take, buy a pill holder that will store all your pills that need to be taken that day. Cancer does not equal death, so try to take care of yourself as best as you can.

Signs of ovarian cancer can be very subtle. It is sometimes referred to as the "silent killer" due to the lack of symptoms until the cancer has progressed. The most common symptom includes pain in the the abdominal area, pelvis or back. Increased size of the abdomen area is another symptom. The stomach appears similar to that of a pregnant woman's stomach.

Take the time to look into insurance options. If you are employed, you may be afraid to leave your job because you need the insurance. Check into whether your state provides health insurance, and check out every option that you need to so that you do not feel trapped at your work.

Colon cancer is hard to detect due to a lack of easily detectable symptoms in earlier stages, so there should be much alarm if you do start to see symptoms, such as cramping, thin stools, unexplainable weight loss and bloody stools. If you experience these symptoms, call a doctor immediately.

Stay organized. You are going to have many appointments to go to and have to keep track of many different dates. Get a calendar and use it to keep track of things that are important. You can even log how you have felt on different days so you can let your doctor in on your progress.

It is important that you take charge over your body and lifestyle after you have beaten cancer. Whether you've lost a lot of weight and/or muscle or even if you gained a lot after the treatment was over, you need to get busy eating right and exercising well in order to take charge of your life and body.

Try to avoid alternative and holistic remedies alone to fight cancer if you have it. Steve Jobs is a great example of holistic remedies failing. Medical professionals insist that modern medicine and surgery would have saved his life. It can save your life too, if you have cancer. Don't replace modern medicine with voodoo.

Here is a great tip that will help you prevent cancer. Filter any tap water that you plan on consuming. Tap water may contain many carcinogens, such as arsenic. A carbon filter attached to the faucet or a filter pitcher can remove these carcinogens from the water before you consume them, leaving you healthy.

If you find that your hair is falling out from chemotherapy treatment, do not be ashamed to get a wig. By wearing a wig, not only will you have your hair, but you will be protecting your scalp from dirt and germs. If you cannot afford a wig, certain organizations may provide one for you.

If you are a cancer survivor, make sure that you have information about your previous cancer treatments. Unfortunately, cancer comes back with a vengeance sometimes, so keep your records about what surgeries and what types of chemotherapy and radiation therapy you have undergone. This information will help you better communicate with doctors.

Getting a good night of sleep is an important factor in your body's ability to heal during and after cancer treatment. However, because of the side effects of treatment and the stress of a cancer diagnosis, sleeping well can be difficult. To sleep better, create a relaxing bedtime routine and bedroom environment, limit daytime naps, and limit caffeine consumption.

As stated before, cancer is a disease that kills millions. It causes abnormal cells to be produced that form organ debilitating tumors. If cancer is caught in its early stages, it can be treated and lives can be saved. By using the tips from this article, you can eliminate cancer before it claims another life. Click here for even more in depth information on this subject.

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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Cancer, Could Vitamin B6 Help?

By David Morris

48% lower risk of being diagnosed with bowel cancer for people with highest levels of vitamin B6...

In the USA bowel cancer is the second biggest cause of deaths from cancer, although it's one cancer that can easily be prevented. New research indicates that in addition to exercise and keeping a healthy weight, vitamin B6 from food sources, could also help prevent bowel cancer.

It's a large study on B6...

Researchers keen to find out exactly what effect vitamin B6 could have in reducing the risks of bowel cancer, examined in depth the results and data from 13 previous studies? And this is what they found:

a. 48% reduction in the risks of bowel cancer, for those people with the highest blood levels of vitamin B6 when compared to those with the lowest vitamin B6 blood levels?

b. The bowel cancer risk was reduced by 20% for those people who were eating the most vitamin B6, compared to people eating the least B6.

Good news, but

While these results are encouraging, because this was just a review study, examining 13 previous studies, there are some weaknesses in the conclusions.

To start with, while two of the studies examined both food and supplement sources for vitamin B6, 11 of them examined food sources, as such no definitive conclusions could be drawn on whether it's better taking vitamin B6 from food, or supplements to cut the risks of bowel cancer.

Secondly, this type of review study doesn't show cause and effect. Instead, it shows an association between levels of B6 and the risks of bowel cancer. And while common sense would indicate a link between the two, these results do not prove one. For that, further research is required.

Getting enough vitamin B6

The possible benefits of taking enough vitamin B6 from foods have been shown in the results of this study. Good sources of vitamin B6 include super foods, such as: organic wheatgrass powder, organic maca powder, spirulina and barley grass. (JAMA 2010; 303:1077-83;)

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A Successful Cancer Plan To Fight The Disease

By Allison Blakley

When it comes to dealing with the physical and emotional impact of any disease or illness, it is vital to be well informed. This is particularly true when it comes to cancer. Here are a few facts that you might find very helpful.

Regular screenings are important for men and women. As women are prone to breast cancer, men are prone to prostate cancer. As with breast cancer, early detection will give the man his best chance at successfully putting it in remission. It is wise therefore to be screened often.

If you are taking care of someone with cancer, it is important to address your own feelings and fears. By working through your own needs, you will be a better support to the person you love, and you will be able to listen to them more effectively. If you need to, seek out another person who can be your sounding board when things get difficult.

When you're battling cancer, it's important to try to sleep without the aid of medications and alcohol. Falling asleep naturally, and for a long time if possible, will help your body's cells to regenerate and become healthier. When you're tired, try to give into the sleep, rather than fight it.

Following your cancer diagnosis, try to keep your life as normal as possible. You may need to make some changes, but a consistent routine will help you feel more like yourself. Since your plans may need to be altered at the drop of a hat, take each day as it comes and enjoy it.

Don't smoke, or stop if you have already started. Smoking is linked to about three out of every ten cancer deaths. It is damaging to your heart, lungs, and skin. Even moderate smoking carries heavy risks. If you choose not to start, or can stop today, you'll be well on your way to a healthier life.

Learn as much as you can about your cancer diagnosis. Gathering information about the type of cancer, location of the cancer, treatment options, likely side effects and prognosis will help to alleviate some of your fears. This information will help you decide the course of treatment that is right for you.

Try to avoid alternative and holistic remedies alone to fight cancer if you have it. Steve Jobs is a great example of holistic remedies failing. Medical professionals insist that modern medicine and surgery would have saved his life. It can save your life too, if you have cancer. Don't replace modern medicine with voodoo.

Reduce your level of stress, especially if you have been diagnosed with cancer. Stress alone has not been proven to be a contributing factor to cancer, but a stressful routine leads to many unhealthy activities that can easily increase the risk of cancer or hinder your recovery. Keep your stress level low.

There is overwhelming evidence that people exposed to second-hand smoke are more susceptible to cancers and chronic breathing problems than people who do not smoke. The danger to innocent people such as children and other loved ones should be incentive to keep smoke away from them, or convince you to quit altogether for your own health as well.

To avoid being diagnosed with skin cancer, you should strive to wear sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 when you are out in the sun. Melanoma and skin cancer are caused frequently due to neglectful people forgetting to apply sunscreen. By performing this simple task, you can protect your health a great deal.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, drink as much water as possible, ideally between eight and ten glasses every day. You will be taking quite a bit of medication, and water helps your kidneys handle everything that you are putting into your body. Water will also keep you hydrated.

Here is one of the most important tips for cancer prevention in existence. Avoid BPA at all costs. BPA, also known as Bisphenol A, is a synthetic estrogen. It is found in hard plastics such as those that are used for water bottles and the interior of canned foods. BPA has been linked to cancer in many cases. In order to avoid BPA, use products that do not contain it.

You should continue to work even if you have been diagnosed with cancer. Cancer does not have to be a life stopper unless you let it. As long as you are still physically able to work, you should. It will keep your mind occupied and show you that you still have a great purpose.

Grilling or steaming your food more as opposed to frying it can help you prevent against cancer. Because you will be preparing your food in a healthier fashion, you can eliminate excess weight gain and thus help to prevent cancer cells from growing inside of your body and eventually forming dangerous tumors.

As stated before, cancer comes in many forms. Some cancers have clear causes, such as lung cancer, while other, such as testicular cancer, do not. Cancer is deadly no matter the cause or type. Cancer can be treated if detected early, and if you remember the tips in this article, they will help you combat cancer.

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Methods, Advantages And Limitations Of Breast Cancer Screening

By Nicky Adams

Breast cancer screening strategies have quickly propagated throughout all countries of the world. The campaign is as an outcome of the boost of the occurrence of this monster disease. The procedure of verifying for the use of melanoma is a simple process.

There have been major milestones in the medical field, with invention of sophisticated technological equipment, able to detect various ailments in patients. The process of screening is not a complex one though. There is the clinical breast exam, or a woman can opt to do it herself, through a self examination. It is advisable to seek an expert's opinion on which method to use.

Statistics have indicated that there is a significant decline in cases of this killer disease. The success of curbing this killer disease can be attributed to the campaigns against this dangerous ailment. The use of self exam involves a woman checking her own breasts, or feeling them for lumps, changes in shape and sizes of the breast. There exists a danger of having a false diagnosis, by using this method. It is therefore not fully advocated for.

Another technique used is known as mammography. This technique is accessible in the third globe nations. Moreover, the procedure of providing it is fast. This technique has two programs in the scientific globe. It is utilized to analyse patients who are without a doubt suffering from signs, and ladies who are in risk of acquiring the condition but are totally free from it.

According to analysis, it has been found that mammography is worthless for heavy cells. Dense cells are an attribute of females below 40 years. Alternatively, for ladies who are 50 years and over, implementing a self- applied mammography isn't the best choice to follow. This is due to the simple fact that physicians have in past statistics confirmed that by means of self- management, individuals usually skip any irregularities. Therefore, they suggest individuals to have it performed by a physician. This is due to the fact that most dangerous breasts cancers begin from dense cells.

There are various aspects to be regarded to figure out whether a personal is at a chance of experiencing this condition. To begin with, the people who have a genealogy of this condition should be assessed. This is due to the fact that they have a good venture of obtaining it. Secondly, mature females have a potential chance of being affected. It is because of this that this technique needs a higher level of precision. The procedure engaged is by using a primary x ray.

The bosom of a lady are X rayed by a specific X ray device. This exposes the patient to a little ion technology rays which cannot cause any melanoma. This picture is delivered to a radiologist who is a doctor who has specialization in studying such pictures.

The results from the regular breast cancer screening should be well stored, as they help in monitoring any changes. They can be printed out for the patient, or stored in a computer.However, the technique of storing them in a computer is preferred, since technological advancement makes it easier to read and make correct conclusions using a computer.

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A Breakthrough Formula About Prostate Cancer.

By Adelbert Botfield

You want to know what you can do to decrease your risk of getting it, or if you already have it, why.The answer is multiple: location in the world, ethnic background, breast cancer in close relatives, BBQ'd meat, age, and, believe it or not, NOT having diabetes. In this article we'll take a look at each of these causes and how they relate to prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is deadly, but because it's slow-growing can be cured if it's caught early enough. Like other cancers, the cause of prostate cancer is not known; it appears to be more common in African American men and men with a family history of the disease. I suspect there is a dietary connection to prostate cancer; I cured myself naturally of breast cancer and others have cured themselves of all types of cancer using a living food diet.

Some men will experience symptoms that might indicate the presence of prostate cancer. There are other symptoms that may not be mentioned here. Having one or more cancer symptoms does not necessarily mean that you have prostate cancer.

If you have more than one close women relative who has had breast cancer or a father or brother who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, your chances increase even more. This is an indication that a faulty gene is the culprit and is being passed through your family. And what your family's ethnicity is can also be a risk.

Recent studies have shown that men with African ancestry are twice as likely to develop prostate cancer as white men, and white men are twice as likely as Asian men. Why this should be so is not immediately clear, and it may be complicated; having to do with diet and lifestyle as well as dominant malfunctioning genes.

All this is well and good to know, but it doesn't do you any good if you can't control it, does it?

Well how about BBQ'd meat? A few recent studies have shown that cooking meat over an open flame may be a cause of cancer (Cancer Causes Control 2000; 11:731-739). However, other studies have not shown a correlation (J Natl Cancer Inst, 1999; 91:2038-2044). Still others suggest that the charring of the meat is what's bad, and that one should aim to flip their grilled meat several times to prevent blackening, or scrape off any charring before eating.

Besides hormonal drugs, hormone manipulation may also be done by surgically removing the testes. Hormone manipulation is mainly used as a treatment to relieve symptoms in men whose cancer has metastasized (spread). Prostate cancer that has spread (metastasized) may be treated conventionally with drugs to reduce testosterone levels, surgery to remove the testes, chemotherapy or nothing at all.

Some drugs with numerous side effects are being used to treat advanced prostate cancer, blocking the production of testosterone, called chemical castration; it has the same result as surgical removal of the testes. OHSU is beginning a study of acupuncture as a treatment for hot flashes for men with prostate cancer or prostate cancer survivors. Medications can have many side effects, including hot flashes and loss of sexual desire.

If you live in North America or Western Europe, you are at slightly more risk than anywhere else. This may be a dietary difference or hereditary, but the picture is not yet complete. It may even simply be a result of more often and more aggressive testing procedures in the "developed" world. There is a large ongoing study in Europe called EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) to try to determine the correlation between European diet and prostate cancer, but results won't be in for another ten years.

So it seems to be premature to move outside of these two areas of the world. But how about avoiding prostate cancer by already having another common disease in men?

A recently completed study showed the surprising fact that men who have had diabetes for several years have a significantly reduced chance of getting prostate cancer (American Journal of Epidemiology 2005 161(2);147-152).

Keep in mind this does not mean you should run out and start eating donuts to get fat in hopes of acquiring diabetes and therefore avoiding the potentially more fatal prostate cancer. The study also showed that newly diagnosed diabetics actually have an INCREASED risk for the first four years, and then the "protective" effect begins. Also, obesity can contribute to other health problems and alone may only contribute further to other types of cancer.

If you've already been diagnosed with prostate cancer, essential the option that's best suited to you and your continuing good health. If you haven't been diagnosed but are concerned about symptoms you should call for an appointment to see your doctor.

And if you're a man older than 50 who has never been screened for prostate cancer (by rectal exam and/or PSA level determination) or not had a regular annual exam, or have had a family history of prostate cancer, make an appointment soon. While the number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer remains high, survival rates are also greatly improving; perhaps because of dietary improvement.

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